International Medical Insurance
Before you arrive in Canada, you should have health insurance that is valid while studying in Canada. In case of an emergency, should you not have health insurance, you will have to pay immediately for all expenses. This can become very expensive. Northwest Homestay can assist you in obtaining valid health insurance before you travel to Canada.
What is covered?
- The services of a legally licensed medical physician or surgeon, anesthetist and registered graduate nurse (all of whom are other than a relative by blood or marriage of the Insured). Unless hospitalized as a resident in-patient, charges for nursing services shall be limited to a maximum of $10,000 per injury or sickness
- The services of a legally licensed physiotherapist, chiropractor, chiropodist, osteopath, or podiatrist (other than a relative by blood or marriage of the Insured) when ordered by the attending physician as treatment for an insured injury. Not to exceed $500 per injury for out-patient treatment
- When performed at the time of the initial emergency, lab tests and/or X-ray examination as ordered by a legally licensed medical physician for the purpose of diagnosis
- The use of a licensed local air, land or sea ambulance (including mountain or sea evacuation), when reasonable and necessary, to the nearest Hospital
Charges are limited to a maximum of $10,000 per injury or Sickness
Rental of crutches or hospital-type bed, but not to exceed the purchase price; and the cost of splints, trusses, braces or other approved prosthetic appliances - Emergency out-patient services provided by a hospital
1 Month
2 Month
3 Month
4 Month
5 Month
6 Month
7 Month
8 Month
9 Month
10 Month
11 Month
12 Month
International Insurance prices: The prices are based per student in Canadian dollars.

Ready To Get Started?
Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing insurance.
We also offer family plans.